Cabernet Sauvignon is the most widely grown grape in the world. It originated in the Bordeaux region of France in the 17th century as a result of an accidental crossing of the related Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc grapes. From there its … [Read more...]
Pinot Gris – The Pinot Noir Cousin
The name “pinot gris” is actually an apt description of the grapes. “Pinot” means pinecone, which describes the pinecone shaped clusters that the grapes typically grow in. And “gris” means gray, describing the grayish-blue grape skins. You may also … [Read more...]
Riesling – A Refreshing and Finicky Wine
Riesling is a white grape variety originating from Germany, where it continues to be the leading wine produced today. Rieslings are crisp, light bodied, refreshing wines. They are high in acidity and tend to be very aromatic, with fresh, flowery … [Read more...]
Sauvignon Blanc – Taste, Regions, and History
Sauvignon blanc is a white grape variety, originally from the Bordeaux region of France. The name Sauvignon Blanc comes from the french words “sauvage”, which means savage, and “blanc”, meaning white. This name is probably appropriate for the wine. … [Read more...]
Viticulture, Grapes, and the Winemaking Process
Great wine begins with the grapes themselves. The process of growing grapes is called viticulture, and it’s a much more sophisticated process than you might imagine. Grape vines are greatly impacted by the climate and region in which their grown. … [Read more...]
Chardonnay Video Guide- Taste, Origins, and Fun Facts
Chardonnay originated in the Burgundy wine region of France. Today, it has become one of the most popular white wines throughout the world and is grown in almost every wine producing region. This is partly because Chardonnay is easy to cultivate, … [Read more...]